Tour Conditions
While every tour is unique, below we have listed some basic requirements that are applicable when touring with Dansnät Sverige.
Hotels are booked and paid for by the local presenter. Special requests from the Company must be discussed with Dansnät Sverige’s office well in advance. Changes in hotel bookings later than one month before the tour starts will be handled and paid for by the Company.
Contracts are signed between the Company, the presenter and Dansnät Sverige’s Office. The contract is provided by Dansnät Sverige’s office. The Company needs to be a legal entity (or represented by one), since the presenters are not able to sign with natural persons.
Copyright/Authours’ rights
The Company is responsible for getting and paying all authors’ rights, copyrights and other associated rights such as music (music publisher etc), mechanical rights, artistic rights, set design, costumes, lighting design etc. The same applies for photography rights.
If the rights are not included in the fee, it must be clearly stated in the application.
Please note that the Swedish Author and Copyright associations do not handle rights for dance performances, hence the Company needs to clear the right’s with its own authur’s associations.
Environmental policy
Dansnät Sverige work to reduced negative climate impact means that international travels to and from Sweden by train is offered to all European companies and that domestic travel will be by train.
That we primarily plan for transport-free tours.
Fee and per diem
The fee stated in the application is the maximum fee to be paid and will be paid after the performance is accomplish.
The fee shall cover all the Company’s costs for author rights, insurances as well as salaries and wage overheads for its personnel during the whole touring period including travel days and free days. Count on at least three days of personnel costs per each show.
When presenting the production two or more times at the same stage we recommend you to reduced the fee to stimulate the presenters to buy more performances of the same production.
If the per diem is not included in the fee Dansnät Sverige’s Office and the Company will agree on an amount and the Company will invoice the agreed sum in advance.
Please note that if you are a Swedish based company the per diem will be calculated according to Skatteverkets “schablonbelopp”.
Each presenter is responsible for their local marketing. Dansnät Sverige’s Office require press photos, texts about the company, the choreographer and the performance, credits, and if possible film material from the performance, well in advance. The office will distribut the marketing material to the presenters.
Technical equipment
The venue/presenter is responsibility for providing technical equipment according to the Company’s technical rider. If the production calls for extremely specialised equipment (e.g. specially constructed microphones or lights adapted to the specific production), this shall be acquired and paid for by the Company itself. The Company shall take care of gobos and filters, however, if necessary Dansnät Sverige’s office has the possibiliy to support the company with common Lee and Rosco filters. If needed, Dansnät Sverige’s office has access to packing boxes on wheels and transport vehicles for the technical equipment.
Technical rider
The Company’s rider should be part of the application. If not possible, the rider should be Dansnät Sverige’s technical coordinator at hand when the process of drawing up the contract begins at the latest. The rider is to include:
- Equipment requirements (sound/lighting/scenery)
- Set design + stage-and light plot
- Work schedule, stating staff requirements
Technical staff
The local stage provides 2 technicians (with expertise in lighting, sound and stage technology) throughout the whole set-up. And stage hands for 3 hours to unload, start of build-up, take-down and load out.
The Company shall bring its own technical staff. The technician/s must have good knowledge of the performance’s technical requirements and be prepared to guide the technical work at each venue.
Tour planning
Dansnät Sverige’s office will schedule the tour based on the dates the Company has stated as possible. Logistics, travels and accommodation are drawn up by Dansnät Sverige’s office and sent to the Company for approval. Any comments and travel requests should be available to the Dansnät Sverige’s office within a few weeks after the group has received the attachments for inspection. This is to minimize additional costs for the organizer and the Company.
Transport of technical equipment
If necessary, Dansnät Sverige’s office provide a lorry and driver for set design and technical equipment free of charge for the Company. The lorry always has a rear lifting device. The Company’s technicians travel between the places of performance by train, coach or plane together with the Company.
International travels to and from Sweden are booked by the Company and paid for by Dansnät Sverige, if nothing else is agreed. However, if the Company is based in Sweden, the Company is responsible for any international travel they might have. Please make sure your fee covers the costs.
We always make it possible for the Company to travel climate consciously by offer the Company to make the international travels by train. Travels within Sweden are booked and paid for by the local presenter. All travels will be by train. At every venue, the Company will receive travel tickets to the next city on the tour.
Stage sizes vary but are typically between 8x8m to 12x12m